Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Benefits Of Training Your Brain

The Benefits Of Training Your Brain

Brain training which is also called cognitive training are performed to increase the function and processes of the brain. With brain training, different exercises are performed to increase listening, reading, writing, visual and auditory skills. Aside from improving brain processes, it could also considered by a growing number of health professionals as a great way for cognitive therapy.

There are studies showing the benefits of brain training for the older generation. It could delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, which is one of the major causes of dementia cases. Health experts recommend that upon reaching the age of 60, it is best to take a few minutes each day for brain training to avoid memory loss.

There are “brain gymnasiums” which help baby boomers and elderly in training their minds especially since aging affects brain functions. In these gymnasiums, there are brain games that allow them to develop flexibility, their memory, spatial recall and their problem solving skills.

There are also studies showing how cognitive brain training could help children suffering from ADHD. When a child is diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents can have medications for their kids. However, there are studies showing that children who gets medication may also develop a calm behaviour, but showed no improvement in their relationships with peers or grades.

Cognitive brain training as a therapy for ADHD sufferers, could actually increase focus and short term memory, according to a research performed by Rosemary Tannock of University of Toronto and Susan Gathercole of the University of Durham in England.

Brain training as cognitive therapy, like in ADHD cases, could be done using computer programs. Actually, using computer software is more cost-efficient and easiest for one-on-one instruction. By using a software, the users would immediately receive positive reinforcement through rewards or praises which helps in improving their self-esteem and confidence.

Cognitive therapy through games can also help those who are recovering from stroke and brain-related diseases. In a research at the University of Queensland’s Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), they discovered that if a neuron or a nerve cell does not receive electrical and chemical stimuli, it would wither and die. This is why it is essential in recovering from diseases that affect the neuron’s activity to keep the brain cells working.

Brain training research also showed that it could contribute in increasing a person’s intellect, since it would help in creating new associations, finishing challenges, comprehension and ability to acquire new information and knowledge. In other studies, brain games even showed that it could help people become more safe drivers since it could increase focus, react quickly to situations, and accurate understanding of reality.

And the benefits of brain training are not just affecting short-term memory, etc., its effects are life-lasting. According to Elizabeth A.L. Stine-Morrow from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, their research actually showed that brain training effects were maintained over five years among the elderly who participated in their study.

This showed that the cognitive skills learned through brain training could actually deliver long-term effects which could significantly affect our mental health over the years to come.

The Brain Training Salad

The Brain Training Salad

You have to work with your brain to get the best results. Pay attention to the cues that it frequently sends. Don’t wait for it to go red alert on you. Engage in training sessions and enforce its abilities before you are faced with such horrifying scenario.

You can get your brain to run in full mode using the lazy eight routine. It is specifically designed to enhance the level of focus needed to maximize your reading time. Choose a spot preferably a wall and sit or stand in front of it. Begin staring at a particular point within eye level.

Draw an imaginary figure of eight on the wall. Complete one full round of tracing then go back to your predetermined point. Execute the step again but this time around do it in reverse. The number to aim for is 10 making sure that each direction is covered per lap. Keep your neck muscles relaxed throughout the procedure while minimizing head movements.

A patent blood flow to the brain is essential in keeping it healthy. You can utilize a power yawn in order to relax the muscles of your face and mouth. This will improve circulation in nearby areas of he brain.

Take a comfortable sitting position. Gently massage the muscles situated on your jaw and cheekbone area. Mild to moderate pressure should be applied. For two to three minutes ignore everything around you and focus on what you have to achieve. By doing so, you will come out of the exercise feeling revived and ready to take on the challenge at hand.

Chess is a classic board game that can test your critical thinking skills. It allows you to focus on the game and trace future moves that can result into a win. If you are tired of playing with predictable individuals in your house or neighborhood you can rely on the World Wide Web to bring forth a roster of international online players willing to take your king down.

Music does not only help the brain relax as it can also be a tool that can keep your control unit alert and active. How so? You can do it by creating your own music. Take on the complexities involved in learning how to master an instrument. According to research, children who engage in piano lessons at an early age perform well in school specifically in mathematics.

Your brain needs to freshen up once in a while. Move away from the monotonous sights, sounds, and smells in your life. A day of driving home using a different route can make a big difference. Open up new pathways so as to increase awareness and interest thereby stimulating brain activity.

Although technology is around to make your life easier, take some time off from your calculator and do your math mentally. Run the figures in your head to make sure that your brain is far from rusting. Memorize contacts and addresses which may come in handy when your phone’s dead.

Observe the relaxation that visualization has to offer. Along the way you have the chance to sharpen your mental capability. Choose a place or object. Get the details and write it down or better yet do some sketching.

There are tons of ways to win the brain training game. You don’t need a PhD to move up to greater heights. Bear in mind the power is in you.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tangible Brain Training

Tangible Brain Training

Varying motions of the body are not only suitable for your bones and muscles. They can pave the way for a healthier brain. With the right training and attitude, you can live a life with a clear head.

Have you ever wondered why you preferred to walk off stressful events of the day? Generally speaking, you and other folks think well when you’re taking those quiet and peaceful strides. In the scientific arena the explanation lies in the increased oxygenation of your brain.

Walking can do wonders to both your legs and brain. It does not strain you leg muscles and glucose uptake is not as high compared to other forms of exercise. As for your brain, blood circulation is enhanced which means more nutrients and nourishment are delivered to your control center. Moreover, energy production is improved along with waste excreting processes.

Studies involving elderly women indicate that those who moved away from the sedentary lifestyle and slipped on their walking shoes manifested lesser chances of memory loss and reduced mental functioning. Walking and stair-climbing were combined in an experiment in the University of California. Results favored the group of women who were on the go as they scored better in tests. Moreover, researchers discovered that an extra mile per week can lead to a 13 percent reduction on the chances of having negative cognitive alterations.

There’s a nice way of making yourself alert amidst the stacks of papers you need to work on. This is also applicable for the mornings when you feel the urge to start your day on the right note. Choose a comfortable position then move your toes slowly. Make sure that the wiggling and stretching feels good.

When you feel like you’ve gained your momentum, move your toes up and down. As you reach fluidity in your motions focus on making your big toes dance to the beat. The objective of the steps mentioned is to stimulate your brain and internal organs. This will give you the much needed fuel and stability throughout your stint in the urban jungle.

On the road to a healthier mind, there’s no other way to go but the positive lane. Upon mastery of the walking techniques you can launch yourself to a faster pace by running. Scientific exploration of the hippocampus, a region of the brain overseeing memory and learning affairs, led to findings that running has benefits on the brain. Such activity can lead to brain-boosting scenarios even for those who have neurodegenerative disorders.

There’s an exercise that you might know as part of the warm-up team. It is called cross crawl which actually targets the left and right hemispheres of your brain. Moreover, it offers stimulation of the nervous system resulting into coordinated functioning.

You have the option of executing each motion in either a standing or sitting position. Initiate the procedure by lifting your left knee while commanding your right elbow to move across your body with the objective of making the two parts touch. Afterwards, proceed with separation and return to neutral position. Do this alternately for 2 to 3 minutes.

The brain will enjoy its training sessions if it is joined by its anatomical comrades. You are assured that results will come out well and you get to have that lean figure you’ve always been thinking of.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Successful Brain Training

Successful Brain Training

Today, brain training is known as the process of mental exercises to stimulate the brain’s functions and trigger its cognitive development further. Puzzles, video games, logic games, and other thinking exercises are now used to help in brain training.

Right now, they are used by rehabilitation clinics to help mostly elderly patients improve on their mental abilities. If practiced consistently, authorities contend that these aids can improve memory, concentration and can reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s-related symptoms.

They are also known to improve visual judgment, and generally improve mental capabilities slowed down by aging.

Learning and changing

Before, scientists thought that the brain’s network is rigid and fixed, all because of aging. What we know today is that the brain can be molded and changed, even those in the elderly.

Brain training follows the concept of plasticity that says the brain is always learning and changing. New information changes the brain. This, in turn, makes brain training possible.

Commercial games and others

There are several good products on the market to increase brain functioning. Leading game companies have interactive games that feature mathematics, logic, reading and other challenges designed as “mental treadmills”.

There are other alternative routines, of course. You can do crossword puzzles, soduku, logic board games or other mental sports. The primary rule is simple – practice makes for better memory, visualization and reasoning skills.

Neurobics and other tips

The secret is to make connections to the new knowledge. Recalling past events refreshes the old sights and sounds (and even smells) and makes them new again.

In neurobics, the trick is to simply change daily routines. Sit in another place from your usual position at the table. Brush your teeth or comb your hair with your other hand, even if it feels awkward and hard to do the first time.


Like in physical exercises, practice is the key to eventual improvements of your mental abilities. Do a few of these exercises every day. You will soon discover that you can do more of them later.

Through all these, do not forget good nutrition and your regular physical exercises. Good health and good nutrition is a pre-requisite to improving your mental abilities.


Medical authorities are targeting brain training on the rehabilitation of our three key mental skills – memory, visualization and reasoning.

Good memory is simply making mental connections. The more connections you have of something, the more likely you can remember it. How does the word sound? What thoughts does it bring to mind?


Visualization gives a good mental workout. Pick a memory and recall everything you can about it – the smells, the colors, the time of day, the people around, etc.

Think what and how you felt then – happy, sad, elated? Try to recall everything. If it was a beach vacation, can you still remember the smell of the sea, the feel of the breeze, the sound of the waves?

Spend around 15 minutes visualizing. Repeat everyday with a different memory.


Reasoning is one of the most important functions of the brain. One very good way of practicing would be asking the question “Why?”

Simply thinking the possible answers to questions on things that interest you will force your brain to use logic and intuition. Brain training is actually not an ordeal at all like most people imagine.

Stress Management And Brain Training

Stress Management And Brain Training

Stress kills. Yes, we have heard health experts say that before. Dr Paul Rosch, a medical scientist and stress expert said that stress is one of the major reasons for heart disease, cancer, lupus and respiratory problems. Experiencing constant stress would wear out your mind and body. Brain training is one of the ways to rejuvenate or worn out disposition.

The American Medical Association, cited that there are 75% of illnesses attributed to stress. World Health Organization (WHO) identifies stress as the leading health problem among Americans. Physical health is not the only thing affected by stress. Stress lead do depression or anxiety attacks, which translates to trips to the doctor to get prescription.

There are studies showing that brain training could actually help people who are suffering from depression and anxiety. Neurofeedback or neurotherapy would determine brainwaves and areas of the brain triggering these problems. Eventually, patients are trained or coached on how to recreate a calm state to overcome symptoms.

However, not only depression and anxiety trigger mental health issues. Chronic stress could also cause neurons or brain cells to die. Chronic and long-term stress could hurt the brain function such as memory and motor skills. Stress could also affect ability to focus and concentrate.

Relaxation techniques, exercise and a healthier lifestyle could actually help in relieving stress. However, brain training could help in achieving longer results. Brain training to reduce stress could be in a form of meditation, visualization, or even self-hypnosis.

In a study led by Michael I. Posner, Psychology professor emeritus from University of Oregon and Yi-Yuan Tang, a professor in the Institute of Neuroinformatics and Laboratory for Body and Mind at Dalian University of Technology in Dalian, China, showed that meditation could reduce stress. In their study, a group of people who have performed meditation, a form of brain training, could reduce stress, lessen amount of cortisol released and improve attention within five days of training.

Meditation does not only mean holding a particular position for a long time and chanting. Meditation would also involve relaxing your body, breathing exercises and visual imagery. When meditation is combined with physical exercises, it produces more benefits whether physical or mental. Yoga is a form of combining breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, physical movements and even imagery.

Brain fitness gyms are also great places for brain training with physical exercises. These gyms also combine nutrition and stress management into their program. What’s interesting is that these centers allow children and adults to enjoy brain challenges.

Children, working adults and the elderly could enhance their brain exercises by engaging into memory games, visual and auditory challenges, and other mentally stimulating activities. Those who have been using brain training as a form to relieve stress have reported numerous benefits like an increase in creativity, energy, better sleep and being relaxed.

Stress should not be considered just as a normal condition or situation. There are different ways on how a person can face and reduce it, brain training could be one of the ways. But it is a matter of making choice and taking action of becoming stress-free.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Going Left And Right With Brain Training

Going Left And Right With Brain Training

The brain is so complex that it needed to be split into two equal parts called hemispheres. Each side has been tasked to function in varying life situations. Although there is a dominant part in an individual it will help a lot if you are acquainted with different training activities that can help balance brain processes.

Your left hemisphere is responsible for filing information in a systematic and orderly manner. It undergoes step by step analysis based on factual and logical details so as to arrive at a more rational and definitive solution for any given complexity and conflict. This portion of your brain helps you face life in a positive note rooted on the authentic realities of everyday living. Moreover, it is mathematically inclined and verbally oriented.

The left hemisphere can be honed by focusing on activities that can sharpen your problem-solving capacities. The simplest way to achieve this is by bombarding yourself with puzzles and crosswords. If you intend to reach a higher level of left brain enhancement there are various experiments on the table.

Choose a subjective topic that traces its roots on the creative side of arts and music. Rev the reasoning engines in your brain and control yourself to speak calmly without presenting too much emotion. Tap on your logical and rational side in order to produce a detailed dissection of your chosen topic. Do this religiously and you’ll be surprised at how much improvement you can attain.

If you’re not up for a verbal examination try painting but do not perform the whole canvass thing the way your right hemisphere will tell you. Call on the services of the left brain to hinder your emotions from intervening. Use math basics and plot your layout into quadrants. Plan the strokes and analyze color synthesis and relationships.

The right part of your brain houses the subjective artist and the intuitive entity in you. It triggers visual processes that allow you to see beyond the actual image at hand. With your innate ability to mix and match varying forms of ideas as a right-brained person you are able to establish a big picture which is commonly neglected by your lefty counterpart.

Mastery of the right hemisphere can be obtained by engaging in games that challenge your brain to go through loops of tasks at a single moment. You should be able to think out of the box in order to arrive at answers and succeed. By constantly exposing yourself with such activities you will have increased levels of intuition, memory, concentration, and creativity.

There are other means of exercising the right area of your brain. Play along and utilize your non dominant hand to write or draw. While you’re at it keep a constant flow of the creative juice. Although singing and painting are the usual things of your right brain you might want to spice things up by adding spontaneity in the fray. Do something without your reliable list like cooking a meal without the steps to dictate every move.

Frequency is a vital element in brain training. Each part must gain familiarity with the activities you have chosen. A good 10 to 15 minutes of your time is a fine to go. Do your left in the morning then let your right have the afternoon.

Delaying Dementia With Brain Training

Delaying Dementia With Brain Training

In the landmark publication of a study in the August 4, 2009 issue of Neurology, it was reported that people engaged in brain exercises (brain training) such as reading, writing and playing card games may delay the onset of rapid memory decline that occurs if they later develop dementia.

There was a cautionary adjunct to that happy news. It declared that while “there is evidence that brain exercises do work to slow down cognitive decline”, there was also evidence that the really elderly will not benefit from it.

To be effective, the study said, these brain training needs to be started while people are still in the 60s or 70s. These people need “early life education and participation in cognitively stimulating leisure activities later in life. These are the two factors…which may have delayed the onset of memory decline in the preclinical stages of dementia.”

Brain training facts

Nevertheless, the study results point to the old phrase (directed at first to the benefits of physical exercise) “use it or lose it” as equally valid for mental fitness, too. Previous studies had also shown that regular brain training sessions can help ward off dementia and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

The following list gives out reasons why the right kind of mental exercises can fortify your brain. It also reiterates what research says about using brain calisthenics to defend yourself against memory loss.

(1) Mental decline is not inevitable. Adults can actually grow new brain cells. This reverses the long-held belief that lost brainpower caused by aging cannot be recovered anymore.

(2) You can build a set of extra neurons (cognitive reserve) in your brain to help offset those you had gradually lost as you aged. A data analysis published in a journal says that a mere 5% increase in the cognitive reserve can prevent one-third of Alzheimer’s cases.

(3) Frequent cognitive activities can reduce dementia risk by up to 63%.

(4) Brain training may slow the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. Upon the death of a patient (not from Alzheimer’s), his autopsy revealed advanced Alzheimer’s. doctors concluded his chess-playing may have helped kept the disease in check.

He had also kept his condition in check by bolstering his brains with chess and other intellectual “push-ups.”

(5) Cross-training counts. Focusing only on a single mental activity will not exercise all the cognitive domains needed to keep the brains agile. Furthermore, consistent and long-term mental stimulation appears to be the key to reducing risk of memory loss and dementia.

If you can, also include activities that address areas for short-term and long-term memories, critical thinking, visual and spatial orientation, calculation and language.

(6) Teaching the brain new tricks can also help. Learning a new language, music lessons, or teaching yourself how to use the iPod can contribute to building new brain circuits.

(7) Never neglect your physical exercises, too. Cardiovascular and strength training boost brainpower by generating more blood flow to the brain which supplies oxygen and nutrients promoting the growth of new brain cells.

All in all, keep yourself well-informed on how to give your brains a good workout and what kind of physical exercise are the best for you. More good news on brain training had been turning up everywhere (TV, print, internet) lately. Stay tuned.

Simplicity In Brain Training

Simplicity In Brain Training

Each passing day marks significant changes in your brain’s level of functioning. If you desire to have the kind which led you to various successful steps of development then you must make it a point to engage in training exercises. No matter how simple or complicated they are, you’re assured of continued mental fitness.

Start by preheating your brain. Here’s a basic challenge you can give it. In performing your daily routines switch to the hands that you don’t normally use. Say you’re a lefty; utilize the right hand in brushing your teeth, controlling the mouse, or even switching channels with the remote. Do not be alarmed by the awkward feeling. Your brain is adapting to a new skill and the more you expose it to such activities the more chances you create in strengthening neural connections.

Play is the universal language for the little ones. It can be used to improve the brain’s network of communication with other parts of the body. The simple act of manipulating clay dough can do wonders for your child’s hand-brain coordination. Moreover, it can lay ground works for the establishment of fresh neural connections.

The nomadic nature of early human civilizations contributed in their fight for survival especially under harsh conditions. Constant travel from one place to another aided them in developing tools that can amply support their needs in adaptation and progress. Furthermore, the constant movement by these ancient groups allowed them to have a more diverse diet leading to better brain nourishment. Next time around if you want to get your mental acts together go out and enjoy what the world has to offer.

Medical experts suggest that you spark up your brain at an early age. This act is important in storing cognitive reserves that will help you fend off brain damaging disorders. One method of attracting those reserves is by regularly hanging on to a book that can keep the motors on your brain running.

Board games like crosswords and scrabble have been regarded for efficiently stimulating the brain. In England a unique finding has been made about Bingo. Elders who are fond of the game have shown a significant improvement in hand-eye coordination. Their regular engagements also led to reduced memory loss.

A research group at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation discovered how you can enhance your brain’s capability of giving out information to various muscle groups. 30 individuals were asked to imagine themselves using the little finger and elbow flexor in different routines. Furthermore, they were instructed to focus on the movements and make them as real as possible.

At the conclusion of the experiment, the pinky group came out with added muscle strength of 35 percent. 13.4 percent was the figure that the elbow people came up with. Scans from the participants reflected high amounts of activity and focus in the prefrontal cortex.

Do not let age hinder you from harnessing the powers in your head. According to fact, an older brain can give you an edge. Neurons in their advanced state have increased capacities of being enriched. Therefore the further you go in terms of number the more you should be motivated in making your brain sweat in training.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Components Of Brain Training

Components Of Brain Training

Brain training as we know it is the act of doing mental exercises to stimulate brain functioning and cognitive development. Most of today’s brain training package would include puzzles and logic games, flash cards, video games and other thinking exercises.

In theory, all these mental exercises are thought to generally improve mental acuity in such areas as memory, concentration and reasoning. They are thought to reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s-related symptoms and slow down the mental effects of aging.

As attested to by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), people who did their daily mental exercises have shown improved memorization skills.

Interdependent components

However, today’s medical practitioners believe that brain training does not depend wholly on mental exercises which were used to stimulate the brain and develop further its cognitive power.

Just like regular programs for regular individuals, brain training was found to be most effective when all of the five interdependent components are carried out in full.

These components are physical training, emotional balance, mental workouts (the actual brain exercises), nutrition and food supplements and healthy lifestyle.

Physical Training

Like the rest of the body, your brain is affected by physical exercise. Basically, brain stimulation is the secret in keeping your brain vital and supple.

The simple reason is that neurons need more oxygen than any other body part to function well. Study results have shown that physical exercise provides enough blood flow to meet that need. It also provides glucose and other nutritional needs for the neurons.

Among other things, it had also been proven that exercise increases cognitive brain functions, enhances learning, boosts memory and keeps away neurodegenerative diseases. (Exercise stimulates growth hormones that helps revitalize neurons.)

Nutrition and diets

Again, based on research data on brain nutrition, restricted-calorie diets can increase the life expectancy of your central nervous system. Researchers believe that restricting intakes of calorie triggers some mechanism that allows neurons to live longer.

Recent studies indicate that the Mediterranean diet (lots of fruits and vegetables, olive oil, moderate dairy and red meat, eggs and wine) tops the others as the most ideal so far. The same goes with antioxidant-rich food such as spinach and green cabbage as well as blueberries and raspberries.

Other brain foods include those rich in selenium and folic acid like whole wheat and lima beans. Flax, nuts, and foods with nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids (in most cold-water fish) are also very good.

Emotional balance and healthy lifestyle

Emotional balance is usually attained if a person has a healthy outlook in life. A good sense of humor and a healthy sense of curiosity and open-mindedness on everything around make for a good start in a person’s emotional balance.

Even at an advanced age, a person should always keep a normal healthy lifestyle. Everything in moderation goes a long way to maintain one’s health.

Super fuels

Certain substances such as caffeine (in coffee and tea) have been scientifically validated as “super-fuels” for the brain, giving a short-term boost to functions such as vigilance and memory. Some studies also indicated there may be positive long-term effects when these substances are consumed in moderation.

All in all, the brain exercises and the other components of brain training should be carried out together to get their full benefits.

Dealing With Dyslexia Through Brain Training

Dealing With Dyslexia Through Brain Training

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 15 to 20% of American students have dyslexia. It would take a while before parents would acknowledge that their children are actually suffering from serious problems, thus denying them of proper treatment. The good news is, parents can consider brain training to help children cope with these problems.

Contrary to what most people believe, people with dyslexia do not necessarily have low intellect. There are some dyslexics that became successful in their chosen fields, like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell and even journalist Anderson Cooper.

There is no standard treatment for dyslexia, it is based on the person’s need and condition. Once a child is diagnosed with dyslexia, the school where it is enrolled is required to create an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that would suit the child’s needs. The IEP will provide you with a clear understanding of the disabilities, methods on dealing with it and of course, the objectives of the program.

In a case study performed by the Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center for the Study of Learning Disabilities in the University of Haifa in Israel, dyslexic college students showed improvements in their memory and reading performance after undergoing brain training. The creators of the training believed that through improving the memory capacity, more information could be retained, detected and used by the mind.

Meanwhile, a research led by Psychology professor John Gabrieli from the Stanford University, discovered that dyslexia could actually be connected with a defect on a neuron function. Those who have difficulty in reading would often have an abnormal function of the neuron’s myelin.

By understanding this neurobiological aspect of dyslexia, the researchers were able to design a kind of training which helped dyslexics become better readers after eight weeks of the training. In the training, the dyslexics were subjected into understanding the basic sounds of language rapidly.

While training with sounds, a brain imaging was performed. The areas which do not function properly, becomes activated and showed normal performance for the first time. Aside from the problem areas of the brain, other regions were also maximized during the training.

This training is important to help them distinguish the difference between the letters. One of the biggest problems of dyslexics is how they distinguish letters with almost similar sounds. The words are broken into sounds and they are exaggerated or slowed down to put emphasis n the sounds.

After the training, the students participating experienced an increase in their language and reading exams. And since the children were able to improve on their reading skills, they also became more confident.

The best option would be to get a cognitive trainer or get into a learning center that has the ability to handle dyslexics. Tutoring would allow them to use different exercises based on their needs. These centers would also have knowledge of different dyslexia tools, which are of course, in the form of brain exercises and games. Brain training would also help in identifying weak points and how they could be improved.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Choosing Your Brain Training Program

Choosing Your Brain Training Program

The market for brain training products is increasing, according to a study by the Ambient Insight. It is not just for the elderly anymore, the market is reaching different kinds of people and ages. Even children from ages 4 to 7 are being targets for brain and cognitive training products.

In the report released by Ambient Insight, they predicted that there are four products that will increase in revenue: assessments, tutors, brain games for mobile phones and brain fitness games and applications. Investment in companies specializing in brain training has increased over the years. In 2007, about $53.6 million was invested in this industry. The year 2008, the industry saw an increase of 55% on investments.

Different products are permeating into the market, how would you identify the best program for you? Brain games may work differently for each user. There are some who would struggle on learning how a particular brain fitness game works. How would you know that you are not wasting your money on a brain game or a brain trainer?

• If you are after a tutor, then make sure to work with a trainer that would provide you with undivided attention. Brain training works best when performed one-on-one. This is the same reason why getting a software for your computer is better.

• One-on-one sessions are not only beneficial because of the undivided attention, but because they allow immediate feedback. Wrong habits could be corrected and at the same time positive habits could be reinforced through a reward system or praise.

• Choose a program that would increase a cognitive skill that needs to be worked on. You do not have to choose a brain training program that would already work on a skill where you are good at. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

• Make sure that a brain training program would be enjoyable for you. The last thing you need is a training that would make you more tired or make children less interested in learning. Besides brain training should not be like another day in a classroom or office.

• When buying a brain training program, make sure to get all the necessary sequences or parts of the training. As your brain improves, you will need different challenges which would prepare you for the next step.

• If you are after comprehensive brain training, then it would work if you would be picking a program that does not only contain brain games. Make sure to pick a program that would help you in applying the techniques on your life, like improving your self-confidence, memory, and even develop speed-reading techniques.

• Before you order, research first. Check the feedback on a specific training and program, what both experts and customers/users have said about the particular program.

The success of brain training does not only rely on what kind of program you are using. It is combination of physical exercise, healthy lifestyle and training. When choosing a brain training program, the best is to pick a program that will help in improving your brain in a pace and method you are comfortable with. After all, you only have one.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Brain Training The Child

Brain Training The Child

One of the most amazing organs of the body is the brain, and the brain is at its most marvelous stage during a child’s wonder years. At age 3 onwards till adolescence, brain training a child is at its most effective because this is the time when the brain can absorb information at incredible speed and ease.

Of course, the brain can take in anything all throughout one’s life, but this is the age period of a person when the brain is regarded as a “super sponge”. This is the time when the biggest gains in his learning ability happen, the best time to engage in brain training.

Remarkable capability

Early mental stimulation of a child’s mind is crucial on how children will learn and interact with everything throughout his life. Experiences, good or bad, will affect the way how his brain is wired.

Brain training takes this reality and advances it for the child’s better mental chances. As synapses are stimulated (used), more and more neurons of the brain will have more connections with each other.


The end result is a heightened learning capability for the child that will continue all throughout his life, barring untoward events and the like. This early brain training is a powerful tool for parents for their children to become smarter.

The training is even more powerful for parents of children with learning disabilities or other developmental problems. The significance of the improvements can help the child in his later life stages (academic success, job performance and career advancement).


It is well known that brain training of children greatly helps improve the child’s memory skills, increase his attention span, and even helps his reading skills. Parents know that the benefits go beyond better grades at school.

Children who had undergone brain training had been seen to have shown marked self-confidence and are self-expressive and articulate.

Improved social life

Confidence in children is essential for his social life, especially in making new friends, enjoying their company, and this total social experience as he grows.

During this time, the child learns to express his own individuality in all areas – through art, music, sports, or inside the classroom. However, if this is hampered by his weak cognitive abilities (spending too much time in doing homework, for example) the child will miss out his chances of excelling.

Healthy body, healthy attitude

Studies had shown that healthy bodies follow healthy minds. Healthy habits follow thereafter.

If a child is struggling in school, their attitude and outlook go out fast. Surly, argumentative, and problematic (at school and at home), the child finds everything to be a chore. This happens because of his weak memory, weak reasoning and logic skills and in holding his attention.

As a result of brain training, his healthy advantages swill translate into better physical reflexes (in sports and everyday action) and mental alertness in dealing with many of his life’s problems big and small.

Better choices, better chances

Compared with children with strong cognitive skills, many children with learning disabilities (ADHD and others) tend to be reckless and impulsive.

A brain training program can give them better chances because they can learn to discern things better and can make better decisions on their own.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brain Training With Games

Brain Training With Games

There are numerous researches showing the benefits of brain training on different aspects of our mental health. Brain training usually involves different puzzles, computer-based activities, in text format and other activities that would make intensify mental activity.

Different medical institutions have performed studies on how training your brain could improve memory, verbal and nonverbal reasoning, and improve focus and concentration. There are even ongoing medical research on determining the benefits of brain training on delaying the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

With such benefits, how could you start training your brain? Contrary to what most of us initially think, brain training programs would not require you to pour on boring reading materials. Here are some games which could excite your brain.

• Sudoku. It is a logic-based puzzle which would require you to place numbers in a 9x9 grid. It was popularized by the Japanese company Nikoli in 1986 until it became a hit in 2005.

• Crossword puzzles. Solving crosswords would help develop different skills like vocabulary, spelling, reasoning, identifying similar and connected words and phrases.

• Optical illusions. Also called visual illusions, these images help the eye and the mind to process the objective reality, physical measurements and excessive stimuli (like light and movement) of the object to determine the actual image.

• Riddles. Riddles are a great way to speed up mind processes. It would help you increase your thinking speed, problem solving skills and mind alertness.

• Board games. There are a lot of board games that can help both adults and children in brain training. The American Mensa Society awards best board games every year depending on the originality and play value. But there are also classic board games like chess, Chinese checkers, go, reversi, checkers, and scrabble.

• Memory games. There are different memory games which challenge the mind to remember different patterns which would be come more complex and bigger as the level increases.

• Card games. Bridge is challenging card game which could develop your quick decision making using analysis. It could be complicated at first, but would eventually be easy and fun by playing consistently.

• Computer games. Before computer games are regarded negatively, however there are different computer games developed like Brain Trainer, Brain Workout and Brain Age which are known to develop and stimulate the brain with simple exercises. Popular puzzles like sudoku are also available in gaming consoles and even in cellphones.

Currently, there are different brain games sold by various video game manufacturers. It may be a bit expensive but the good news is that there are also free online games which would allow you to increase mental exercise. Brain training is one of the emerging market in the United States. In 2007, it was reportedly that brain products are earning about $225 million.

What should be kept in mind is that a particular mind training game or program may work for one person but may not be suitable for another. To determine what brain training game is suitable for you, you could start with the one you know and eventually learn other games.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Brain Training Games

Brain Training Games

Recently on the net, the free brain training games were tested anew. Once again, they were found to improve the mind. There were several mental areas that have improved and were listed down.

The improved areas were those that dealt with short and long-term memory, problem-solving skills, and judgment centers. The other abilities that were found to have improved concerned on reaction speeds, spatial recognition, verbal abilities and heightened self-control.

Brain training exercises had been known to improve such cognitive abilities as memory and learning. They were also known to offset diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Tested and proven

These brain training games were known to be scientifically tested and proven once again to work. So far, these games had been offered to the public to play free of charge.

About 7 million people have performed these brain training games. Most of these brain training exercises are also found in most commercial brain training software CDs.

Improving the mind

Initially, these brain training exercises have been developed first to offset or eliminate the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and to generally improve the mind. Alzheimer’s, dementia and aging have been found to decrease the amount of blood flow to the brain.

These brain training games, on the other hand, are thought to rush blood into the brain and revitalize the brain cells. In turn, the revitalized cells help minimize the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Neuron networks

During the several tests performed on people, it was found out that the brain’s frontal lobe is affected by brain training. This brain study had also demonstrated that networks of neurons would suck up large amounts of blood.

This happens every time a certain brain exercise was performed. Results demonstrated several exercises that activated the brain's frontal lobe in a most powerful way.

Brain power factors

An individual’s brain power is, in itself, dependent on several factors. These would include the individual’s health, diet, sleeping patterns, and the amount of daily brain training he gets.

These facets – health, diet, and sleeping patterns – are external factors that we cannot control, but not brain training. Doing several minutes of training a day can achieve accumulated good results.

Brain aging

Another age-related memory loss can be offset or completely avoided by way of brain training. Brain aging had been discovered to be another process that involved reduced blood flow to the head.

The exercises in brain training work like brain boosters which pump blood to the brain. After which, the neurons are revived and energized. In turn, this improves the memory, IQ, the spatial recognition, and overall brain creativity.

One note, though. The cognitive should be performed like aerobics every morning to increase the power of the left and right brains and your brain’s overall health.

Raising intelligence levels

Another good news: your intelligence levels rise with every exercise that you perform. And here is even better news – the results of the rise of your intelligence level are still felt and seen even after 5 years of performing the exercises.

All in all, there is still hope for the minds that have gone fuzzy through the years. Aging of the brain can be reversed by performing the best brain training exercises suited for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Brain Training That Parents Could Use

Brain Training That Parents Could Use

Brain training is no longer for baby boomers and elderly and helping them in their battle against ageing and memory loss. There are significant researches showing that brain training and fitness have significant and positive effects on children. In fact, manufacturers are creating games for children aged 4 until 7 years old.

Brain training has been used as cognitive therapy by adults and children who have dyslexia. There are also studies showing that brain training could help children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, in terms of increasing focus and memory retention.

Children have demonstrated that they are quicker learners. In Jean Piaget’s theory on children’s cognitive development, there are four stages of cognitive growth among children: the sensorimotor stage (during infancy), pre-operational stage (toddler and early childhood), concrete operational stage (elementary and early adolescence_ and formal operational stage (adolescence until adulthood).

In these four stages, infants would learn intellectually based on their physical development. Children as toddlers would show maturation in using language and at the same time, in their memory. Although, it would mean that their way of thinking is done in a non-logical manner. While during the concrete operational stage, children would be manipulating symbols in a logical thought. On their formal operational stage, intelligence is related to the abstract concepts.

By understanding the stages of cognitive development on children, it would give parents an understanding on when to introduce children into exercises that will develop their cognitive skills. Brain training would help children in organizing and logical thought, reasoning and even executing functions.

According to psychologist Keith Gibson, Ph.D., helping children develop their cognitive skills even before going to school would help them achieve academic success. In fact, it is important to stimulate the brain since birth. According to Dr. Gibson, it is more essential to teach children processing skills like sound analysis to help them visualize and create auditory associations.

Brain training is significantly different from tutoring. Tutoring children would only help them in reaching specific targets in their academics, while cognitive skills are not fully maximized and developed. At the same brain training and brain games are actually fun for the children.

Parents who have chosen brain training to complement their children’s education and develop their skills are getting positive feedback. Children experienced:

• Greater concentration • Better skills in analyzing and solving problems • Getting better grades • Quicker response to different situations • Improved self confidence and self-esteem

An improved confidence and self-esteem could actually help children interact with their peers better. Aside from that, they also proved to show better hand-and-eye coordination, that would help them increase their physical mobility whether in sports or other physical activities.

Brain training is a great family activity, not only would it help the children, it could also help the parents. Children could get positive reinforcement from their parents for successful training and its effects on their academics. Parents, meanwhile, could also maximize brain training to reduce ageing effects, maximize its benefits and also improve their mental health.

Brain Training For Better Memory

Brain Training For Better Memory

All of us, in a certain point of our lives, experienced memory loss. It could be forgetting where we put the keys, if we have locked the door, etc. As we grow older, it is natural for some of our brain cells to age and die which would cause some problems with memory. Over the years, research on brain training showed that it could help in decreasing memory loss.

Dementia is one of the biggest health issues that the older generation is facing. Currently, about 24 million people are suffering from dementia. By 2040, the number could reach about 84 million of sufferers, making us one of the possible patients of dementia.

The same goes for Alzheimer’s disease which is affecting about five million Americans. Health experts project that Alzheimer patients could reach about 16 million by 2050. That is until the current generation would do something to avoid such problems with memory loss.

How does brain training help us in enhancing our memory?

Think of the brain as a muscle. When developing muscles, exercise is needed to develop strength and flexibility. The same goes for the brain, different exercises would help sharpen the memory and enhance focus and concentration.

In a brain training program, you would have an idea on the present status of your brain. There are some software for brain games which would help you get an idea how “old” your brain. Understanding your weaknesses would help you build its strength. This software can also be referred to as your brain trainer.

Getting a “brain trainer” could cost you, but there are also other exercises you could engage in which would set your brain into action. Brain games and exercises like solving puzzles, logical-thinking games, card games and board games could help your mind. Just keep in mind that the brain develops when repeating certain skills. So you could stick with one kind of game of problem solving.

According to a research performed by the University of Alabama led by Dr. Karlene Ball, different brain training could help in improving memory. In their research, there were four groups of people. One group was the control, receiving no kind of training. The remaining three groups had different kinds of memory trainings.

According to the research findings, the three groups that received memory training showed improvement in their mental functions. Those who underwent memory training sessions showed development in how they process the information and quicker reasoning.

Those who have not received any training did not exhibit any advancement in their mental activities. Aside from improved memory, there are studies showing brain training also had an effect on the mind’s alertness and ability to remain in a positive mood.

Brain training, however, is not a standard program for everyone. A particular brain training program may work for one person, but may not yield significant effects on the other. This is the reason why brain training would start with knowing your brain and getting an idea what would be suitable for you.

In these studies, brain training did not only lasted for a couple of weeks but stretched until two years. Brain training is a choice. A choice which would be based on understanding the importance of maintaining and developing your mental health.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Brain Training For All Ages

Brain Training For All Ages

Brain training, in its most basic, is simply exercising the brain to keep it fit and healthy, with the intention of keeping it that way all throughout our lives.

These days, brain training is just like physical training – necessary for us to do, so that we shall live longer, healthier, in control of our faculties, and happy with our lives.


Brain training exercises, like physical exercises that helps improve body functions, help improve the functions of the brain in its problem-solving abilities, spatial recognition and oral capabilities.

You may notice that after some brain workout, your mind can process information much quicker, more efficiently, and your multi-tasking abilities would begin to show.

Studies show that many brain training exercises turn on the frontal lobe of the brain in a stronger way and act as brain booster by reviving the neurons and improving your grey matter creativity.

Common brain training aids

There are so many good brain training exercises as well as brain stretching and fun games to stimulate our minds. The net is awash with many very good games and “brain exercisers”.

In the outside world, there are the newspaper crossword puzzles, the popular Soduko, the old standby Rubik’s Cube, and some clever mental gymnastics of riddles, other puzzles and many other games.

No age limit

The body may show some signs of wear and tear and the fatigue that goes with them. Exercises have to be modified to fit the person’s age doing the physicals. The brain does not have limits.

Brain training and other mental calisthenics is a one-size-fits-all commodity, except perhaps for the very young and the very old. The following are some of the regular and more common forms of brain training activities.

Memory test

Memory tests are always fun, and helpful. Test your memory and while you are doing the games, you shall also stimulate your brain, and grow more neurons.

Some games that are favored by the older adults are those of remembering faces and names and other images.

Spatial intelligence

The Rubik’s Cube is one very challenging game that will not only stimulate your sense of space (what goes where) and foresight (what to move first), it will also force your sense of logic (why should I move this side first?).

And lastly, it will also stimulate your visual memory and reasoning.

IQ booster

Chess is the world’s best strategy game. In IQ booster, there are variations of the chess game that is not only as challenging as the real game, but also quite as fun.

In chess, you shall learn how to make creative strategies and exercise your most ruthless logic in planning your moves and countermoves. (If you do not know how to play chess, this is the right time to learn.)


This is one of the most exciting games that came out in the 21st century. This is not just a math problem-solving ride, it is another “ruthless logic” little game.

All of the above games are all guaranteed to stimulate all your mental powers, creativity, and reasoning. Doing any and all these games shall constitute your brain training for the day. Also, they all can be played by anybody from the very youngest to the very oldest.

Brain Training And The Learning Disabled

Brain Training And The Learning-Disabled

In short measure, brain training is simply “a set of activities that are designed to stimulate thinking skills and problem solving”. Today, brain training has been mainly targeted on older adults.

Mostly, these exercises are being used to improve the thinking and reasoning skills of this older group in our society. (Years earlier, it was found out that older adults who neglected or were unable to use their mental powers lost most of their mental abilities after some time.)

In the course of these exercises, researchers uncovered another happy discovery. The participants were able to transfer the results of their brain training in their other everyday functions and activities.

In contrast with their untrained counterparts, those who received brain training (memory, speed of processing and reasoning) were reported to have fewer difficulties in doing everyday tasks such as cooking, managing their finances, and following their medication instructions to name a few.


On the other hand, medical authorities are now looking into the big possibility that another set of senior citizens today have learning disabilities. The causes are totally different, however.

These are the healthy older adults who do not seem to be victimized by any mental deterioration through disuse or other forms of neglect, disease or other causes. They are the older adults who belong mostly to the baby boomer generation.

Public schools

They are today’s senior citizens who attended school before special education programs were around. In those days, these learning-disabled children were mostly regarded as lacking in abilities, simply lazy, or euphemistically referred to as “slow learners.”

In those times, public schools were considered the best and most efficient in educating children. They are typically straightforward with little no flexibility in organization, in educational practices and in their rules.

Instructions were lecture types and lessons were mostly from textbooks. Many students who struggled were underachievers and could have fared better with more appropriate educational services.


Many of these ‘poor” students did not continue their high school. Instead, they opted to work and marry and live their lives as best as they could. Despite this, they were among the most productive of generations.

Many took jobs where their disabilities did not affect performance, and they used their excellent survival skills handed down by their resourceful parents.

Present struggles

Today, many of these adults have problems processing information quickly. They would have problems at check-out counters and in other areas where speed is needed to get by.

Usually, they would have problems balancing their checkbooks or paying bills. Many would be having problems understanding and managing their own health care needs. Most of them have low retirement income because they took low-paying jobs in their working years.

Brain training

Current research has proven (through MRI) that brain training had been effective in improving memory even in persons with brain impairments or learning disabilities. The theory is that these daily mental activities may have improved blood circulation to the brain and improved its functions.

Today, researchers emphasize that consistency is the most important key in getting the full benefits of any brain training program, just like any physical exercise. They have also been proven to help improve the mental functions of learning-disabled adults.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Brain Training Against Anxiety And Depression

Brain Training Against Anxiety And Depression

Brain training does not only help improve baby boomers with their memory retention, nor increase intellect among children and adults. There are studies showing that emotional brain training could actually help in improving stress levels and making a person feel more at ease and relaxed.

Anxiety and stress are among the biggest problems that we are facing in a very fast-paced lifestyle we live in. These problems could actually worsen chronic diseases which could make the illness turn for the worst. Which is why anxiety and depression are associated with cases of death in the country.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illnesses, about 15 million Americans had depression. While about 40 million American each year suffer from anxiety according to the Anxiety Disorder Association in America.

Emotional brain training is actually a cognitive therapy which enables the brain to respond to stimulus, positively and healthily without triggering anxiety. Usually relaxation techniques are used to ease the anxiety attacks and moments of depression.

How does brain training achieve such results?

Those who are suffering from anxiety-depression and other behaviour problems have brain disregulation. Brain training aims to use neurofeedback as a strategy to help learn or change brainwave patterns. The brain is observed and the pattern of the brain activity is presented to the patient/customer. Neurofeedback aims for self-regulation of the brain.

The training or neurofeedback (also called neurotherapy) starts with the patient being interviewed and the initial brain activity taken. This would help the therapist identify which activities are positive and negative for the patient which would be used for the following sessions.

The waves are measure or recorded through the electroencephalogram or EEG. Sensors are attached to the scalp to monitor brain activity. Eventually, the signals are filtered and the feedback can be seen on a screen and can be heard through earphones or speakers.

In neurofeedback sessions, the state when the mind is its calmest is determined. Consistent coaching would help the person to re-create that state and eventually use it to decrease their anxiety or depression. These sessions would also help a person to consistently practice and reinforce these calming patterns.

The number of brain training or neurotherapy sessions depends on the complexity of the symptoms, as well, as how sensitive the patient is. Each session would usually last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. The entire session is not dedicated to neurofeedbacking. Much of the time is spent on exercises and practices on how to relieve the brain of its negative activities.

Nuerofeedback training is not only used by those who have anxiety and depression, those who have experienced emotional trauma, autisms and are suffering from learning disabilities could also benefit from this training. This could also significantly improve social interactions.

Unlike medications for anxiety and depression, neurofeedback is unlikely to produce side-effects. It is also likely for anxiety and depression to return once medication is stopped. However, neurofeedback and brain training and coaching sessions do not replace medication intake. Experts recommend to get doctor’s approval before stopping any kind of medication.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Brain Training - An Overview

Brain Training – An Overview

Today, the concept of brain training had been fully accepted by science. In a nutshell, it is a series of mental exercises developed and designed to stimulate the functioning of the brain and improve its present cognitive status.

This series of mental drills was first intended to reduce the effects of symptoms connected with Alzheimer’s and other related illnesses that lead to the deterioration of such brain functions like memory, perception and reasoning.

Later, this developed into a full-pledged health aid when research discovered that brain training had helped improve memorization and visual reasoning. Research also showed evidence that these mental calisthenics had considerably slowed down the effects of aging of the mind and other age-related mental deterioration.

This package of exercises usually includes puzzles and logic games, flash cards, video games and other thinking drills. All of them are designed to improve the memory and to help increase concentration. This, in turn, helps better perception and reasoning.

Brain mapping

There are now facilities today that offer brain training using modern techniques and the latest technologies. Usually, these modern clinics begin their program with brain-mapping.

This is to assess the present electromagnetic readings of the brain, its many parts, and the activities in each of these areas. With the gathered information, doctors would be able to design the proper series of treatment protocols that will fit the needs of the patient.

Brain plasticity

The whole concept of brain training hinges on the theory of brain plasticity. In the old days, scientists erroneously thought the brain’s network is already fixed with the onset of aging and that old people could not learn any more new information.

The idea of brain plasticity turned that old notion 180 degrees. Today, we know that the brain is always learning, and that it changes itself with the process and even gets better after sometime.

Scientists now also know that average human beings have the ability to change their brain’s neural paths with the acquisition of new knowledge and experiences.

Other benefits

Brain training not only targets old people but also those regular individuals who have a wide range of mental conditions that needed to be addressed. These modern-day mental troubles include anxiety, depression, stress, addiction and others. (It sometimes includes conditions caused by traumatic brain injuries.)

Brain training had been able to improve many of these mental troubles. With it, patients were able to benefit such things as mental clarity, emotional well-being, and the old abilities to concentrate. There were others, too, who were able to even enhance their physical performances in sports, for instance.


Thankfully, you can do your own brain training. Do crossword puzzles, sudoku, as well as other word and board games. The internet has a wealth of aids to help your skills in memorization, visualization and reasoning – all for free.

The key to getting the most benefits of brain training is consistent, regular practice. Just like physical exercises, all it takes is doing a few ones every day. Coupled with good nutrition and consistent physical exercises, brain training can do wonders for your brain.